5. Sınıf: İngilizce - 7. Ünite : Party Time - Ünite Tekrar Testleri - Test Soruları
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Yok benim amacım puan toplamak değil sadece kendimi geliştirmek istiyorum diyorsan, sorular seni bekliyor.
Sally : Can we have a party in class?
Teacher: What type of a party?
Sally : BilI’s birthday is on 15 April. We want to throw a birthday party for him on 14 April.
Teacher: Of course, you can.
Lisa : Mum, there are two birthday parties of my friends. Carol and Simon next week. I must buy gifts for them.
Mum: What do you want to buy for them?
Lisa : Carol loves watching movies, reading books and playing with toys. She doesn’t like art. Simon hates movies and toys. He loves listening to music and playing football.