6. Sınıf: İngilizce - 6. Ünite : Occupations - Ünite Tekrar Testleri - Test Sorular
TestSorular'da sadece oturum açmış öğrenciler çözdükleri testlerden puan kazanabilir.
Yok benim amacım puan toplamak değil sadece kendimi geliştirmek istiyorum diyorsan, sorular seni bekliyor.
Rachel and her friends are playing a game. They are asking questions to find Rachel’s job.
Kelly : Do you work at a hospital?
Rachel: Yes, I do.
Bob : Can you make operations?
Rachel: Yes, I do.
Bob : Are you a ?
Rachel: Yes.
Tom is a manager and he has a meeting with engineers every Wednesday.
Helin : I work at a hospital.
Belinda: I am a vet.
Paul : I am a waiter now.
Jimmy : l’m a retired man.
According to the information above, ----- doesn’t work now.
There are 36 students in 6/A class;
• 12 students want to be a doctor,
• 8 students want to be a dentist,
• 5 students want to be a teacher,
• 3 students want to be a vet.
----- students want to treat the diseases of our teeth.